May 29, 2019

I Can't Even Comment
on My Own Blog!

Everett Littlefield, a frequent commenter on this blog in the past, has e-mailed me a few times expressing discouragement over not being able to post comments. I haven't been able to give him any good advice on the matter.

And now, Blogger is not allowing me to comment on my own blog. 

This morning, I wrote a reply to Nancy May in my previous post, hit the appropriate button to post the comment, and it totally disappeared. That really is discouraging, especially when I spent some time putting my thoughts together.

I have blogged on Blogger since 2015. I have resisted going to another format because I'm comfortable with Blogger. This dog doesn't want to learn new tricks.

But this is the last straw... It looks like I am going to have to face the learning curve and move to another format. I'll probably find out that it's not as hard to learn as I might think it is.

And maybe the new format will alert me when someone posts a comment on one of my posts. Blogger hasn't done that for a long time.

My mail order business is very busy these days. I don't have the time to make a blog switch now. But I'll figure it out later this year. Very few people still read my blog writings anyway.

I do hope to get a few YouTube videos out through the summer months. Here's the link to my YouTube channel: This Agrarian Life.


  1. I Enjoy your posts, and find them thought-provoking.

  2. Herrick -

    I'm sorry to hear of your blogging difficulties. I read each and every one of your blog posts, and have for several years. Please continue to write, on whatever format. You have a gift with the written word, and your writings are interesting, informative, and MUCH NEEDED in this day and age.

    May the Lord richly bless you and Marlene, and all of your efforts at gardening and your home-based businesses this summer.


  3. Diddo to Sue's comment, Herrick. I enjoy your writings very much!!! Looking forward to seeing your progress on your addition and minibeds!!!!!!! The rain this late in the season has been a hindrance to my vegetable plants in my 23 minibeds. I still have a row garden to get in (my husband's), though I will be the one to take care of it; weeding! Just got the weeds out of my strawberry rows; gradually working on them since January. In my minibeds I'm doing E. P. Roe's method of growing strawberries as outlined in your book, The Planet Whizbang Idea Book for Gardeners. Your book also helped me make "carrot cabanas", aka disc shades, and also the 13 hole template. So I will soon, probably today, get my carrot seed sown. I've watched and re-watched your Four Day Carrots on you tube. Such good advice! Since my minibeds will need some watering due to our extreme heat in summer (near triple digits by this weekend), I will use rice straw mulch in my beds. I've got no cover crops with which to mulch, since these are my very first minibeds. Are you enjoying your new grandchild? Hope you and Marlene are doing very well. Glad to hear Everett Littlefield's name again. I always have enjoyed his comments. God Bless you.

  4. I have enjoyed your blog posts for years. I try to check in once a week or so to see if there is anything new. I think more people are reading than you realize.

  5. I like to read your blog posts! I've checked back often and haven't found anything recent. But I'll keep checking!

  6. I, too, enjoy your blog posts! I love your video posts, too, but writing gives you a different voice (at least imho).

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