November 10, 2018

A Plan For
Achieving Financial Freedom

Materialism and consumption are an integral part of modern American culture. But a growing number of young people are not participating. They are achieving financial freedom at an early age by NOT being typical American consumers. Watch this...

If you are intrigued by that short clip, I recommend that you listen to This Podcast Interview With Mr. Money Mustache

That interview resonates with me on so many levels!

In retrospect, I'm certain I could not have ever retired in my 30s, while trying to support my family on my income as a carpenter.  My wife and I did live very frugally, out of necessity, and we were able to save some money. But not a lot. 

However, I have always been obsessed with NOT taking on debt (credit card or otherwise). In those few instances when we did borrow money, we paid it back as quickly as possible.

That obsession was a good one. If you eschew debt, and live well within your means, there comes a point, down the road of life when you start to really pull ahead.

An older man I know once told me: "It isn't how much you make, it's how much you spend that makes the difference." 

Truth be told, I could have been a more responsible steward of the finances God  entrusted to me over the years.

Oh, to be young again, knowing what I know now.


  1. Your last sentence really summed it up for me also. And here we are once again at that time of year when the push to purchase comes on like gangbusters. I have come to abhor the mindless consumption that is so prevalent in our culture. You know how the Bible says we are either a slave to sin or a slave to God? Well, many folks are a slave to purchasing... I know, I used to be there! (Both--slave to sin and to purchasing!)

  2. I appreciate the Bible comment, Joy.

    Jesus came to deliver us not only from the just penalty for our sin in eternity, but He also came to set us free from the bondage to sin in the here and now (through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us). It is, nevertheless, an ongoing battle on so many fronts.

    "Slave to purchasing" is a term I haven't heard, but the concept is certainly something I've given a lot of thought to. I think that finding the responsible balance, comes with an attitude of stewardship; being wise about what we do with the things God entrusts to us.

    Thanks again for the thought-provoking comment.
